Apply For Membership

  • Team Section

    Paranormal Team Information
  • Please enter all the cities, states or counties that you cover.
  • List any fees your team charges, enter N/A if this does not apply
  • List your members names and positions.
  • Team Founder Section

    Team Founder Information - If more then one founder just list one and make sure you noted who the othe rfounder is in the members list.
  • Client Section

    We need a min of 2 clients from your teams residential cases, that we can contact for reference. Please continue to fill out the form if you have no references and let us know why, we do understand that a lot of residential clients want to stay anonymous .
  • Case 1

  • Case 2

  • Equipment Section

    List and explain your equipment
  • Additional Information Required

    Please answer all questions the best you can, these are very important

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