Membership Rules

P.R.N. Family Requirements:

  1. Your team must have a minimum of 5 years of verifiable service, if your team was formed less than 5 years ago, you can still apply and can be considered depending on your founder (and other members) verifiable experience.
  2. You need to provide 2-3 references from previous clients, including full contact information, so that we may contact them for verification.
  3. The founder(s) of your team must be at least 21 years of age and have a clean criminal record free of any felony charges. All current members of your team must also have a clean criminal record free of any felony charges. Annually, each team may be required to submit a statement confirming that each member of their team is compliant with this criminal background policy.
  4. If your team has branches in other cities, states, or countries, each branch must apply separately, we cannot verify every branch just from one application.
  5. Your team must provide all residential investigative services at no cost to the client. You may of course, accept donations, but that should never affect the way you conduct an investigation or be required. You and/or your team may participate and engage in fundraising that supports the operation of your team, or special projects or events in which your team is involved and of course sell merchandise. We will enforce the no charge policy only when it comes to residential services, we are not here to control anything you do on your own to help yourself or your team.
  6. If your team is rejected for membership, you may contact us to appeal and provide any additional information that was not considered.


Team Websites:

We do like our teams to have a professional team website. You will not be denied membership if you do not have one but we strongly advise getting one. Please see the guidelines below if you have a website or are going to get one, these are just suggestions as to what we feel will make your site professional.

Some suggestions for your wensite:

  1. Team member profiles, the client should be able to see the names and photos, and the ability to read a biography about the members of your team to learn who they are and their experience.
  2. A visible and easy-to-use way to request help, we suggest that you have an investigation request form for the clients to fill out clearly visible on your site. If you do not, then there needs to be an email and phone number visible for them to be able to contact you.
  3. Information about your team’s investigative approach, how you conduct an investigation and what to expect when having you at their location. Everything must be transparent for the client to understand what you are going to do.
  4. It is a plus to see some paranormal information on your site so clients can see advice or information on current paranormal events or even some case files for public investigations etc…
  5. A simple navigation system and clean looking design should be a must; you do not want a client confused on how to navigate your website.

*Contact us if you need help with your website, we can help you fix it and/or build one*

Remember, your site should be an extension of you, your team, and your approach to the paranormal, it is not here to scare someone or look overly creepy, these types of things can reinforce incorrect perceptions regarding the work we perform and about the paranormal field in general. Also remember we are trying to make the client feel calm and safe not become even more scared by entering a creepy website.


Membership Rules:

We do not have a lot of rules for our members, they are very simple common-sense rules to help maintain a high standard of professionalism.

  1. We will never charge for residential services
  2. We are always professional and caring to the client and their family
  3. We never leave a client without a solution, we help them no matter what the case may be, whether paranormal or not we get them help, everyone is experiencing something that is disrupting their life even if it is not paranormal.
  4. We will abide by the guidelines of P.R.N. and use all P.R.N. forms during an investigation that was submitted to the P.R.N. and in addition we will pass on all information we gather from our P.R.N. cases to Bill Slevin so he can record them into a database for research, everything is always held in strict confidentiality.
  5. We respect our clients, and we respect anything we encounter, we do not provoke or do something that could endanger us or our clients.
  6. We contact the P.E.R.S. team or another Family member for help, we NEVER proceed with a case that we do not understand or know how to handle.
  7. We do not disrespect anyone in the paranormal field whether a part of P.R.N. or not. We are not above anyone and should always be willing to help anyone that needs help in the field.
  8. Lastly have fun and enjoy being part of this industry and being able to help people live without fear in their own homes.

Also please understand if you are accepted into the P.R.N. Family you are your own team and we will not change anything you do or get involved with anything you do, but we can revoke your membership at any time and if there are complaints that are determined to be accurate we can revoke your membership at any time we feel necessary to help maintain the high standards that we are hold.

Looking For Help? Fill Out An Investigation Request.