About The Paranormal Research Network

The Paranormal Research Network (P.R.N.) is a sub division of The paranormal Existence Research Society, A leading Paranormal Research Team focused on residential hauntings. Bill Slevin, founder of the P.E.R.S. Team has been involved in well over 500 residential cases across the country and is an expert in residential hauntings. Bill has created the P.R.N. family to create a true network of professional paranormal experts from across the country and the world, that meet extreme standards in order to provide people with the best possible help.


Why was the P.R.N. Family created?

The P.R.N. was created with the sole intention to create the most unified network of paranormal professionals across the country and the world with one main purpose and that is to help everyone in need.

With the paranormal being in the mainstream now and many people reaching out for help, there is an overwhelming amount of people starting out in the paranormal field that only learned from watching TV or seeing videos on YouTube, we are not discrediting the TV shows at all, that is fine for public ghost hunting and events, but that is not how to learn to help people in a residential case. Residential cases are very sensitive and can be dangerous to the team and the client if the case is not handled properly.

Also, we have noticed that the amount of investigation requests has dramatically increased and they are coming from all over the world and we just do not have the time to travel everywhere to help these people, but we want to find a way to help everyone and we do not want to just pass them off to someone who may not have the experience to help them correctly. That is the reason for the P.R.N. family, it is to help everyone we can.


As a team what do we get out of this network?

The P.R.N. Family was designed with a couple main purposes in mind. The first is to be able to have a network of professional and caring teams across the world to help as many people in need as we can. All the people looking for help are scared and sometimes desperate for help and they deserve the best help then can get.

The other reason for the P.R.N. family is to have this amazing network of professional teams around the world to support each other and have a family they can consult with to help solve their cases as the best they can and to help further advance the paranormal industry. We should all be united to help further the industry.

Another benefit of being part of this frailly is the ability to contact other teams in the network when you are traveling in order to meet up and investigate together. Maybe you are planning a trip  to another state and you are looking for some places to investigate, reach out to a team in that area for some advice on where to go in the area or join up and investigate together.

Every team is hand selected in order to have the most professional and caring teams around the world, we do not want to change any teams beliefs or the way they handle a case but we are looking for teams that are really dedicated to helping people and work in a specific way, which is respectful and professional, to achieve the best results for these families.


What do people looking for help get from the P.R.N. ?

Anyone looking for help can be assured that they will be receiving the best help from the most professional and caring teams in their area. Every member of the P.R.N. is held to the highest standards to provide the best quality help. Our teams can be assisted by Bill Slevin and the P.E.R.S. team if needed along with other P.R.N. family members. The P.E.R.S. team numbers are open to all teams for support and assistance if needed.

Also please note that NO P.R.N. family member will ever charge you for their residential services, they may accept donations, but none of our teams will charge any fees to help you. Please understand that donations are not required and do not affect the service you will receive. Please let us know if any team suggests any fee for their services.


What does Bill & the P.E.R.S. Team get from the network?

We as blessed with an amazing network of professionals to help us be able to go out and help everyone in need, it has always been very hard for us to have to turn down a case because of their location and not having anyone we can refer then to in their area. Also having this amazing network of teams allows us to share information which enables us all to advance and learn so that we can more efficiently and professionally help those in need of our services! By having so many professional teams working together, it helps all of us grow and learn every day for ourselves and to future the industry.


I need help, who should I contact?

If you need assistance, you have a couple of ways of getting help. The best way is to go to our Investigation Request form, fill it out completely, and we will contact you or contact a team in your area that can help you. You can also look at our ever-growing directory of teams and directly contact the one closest to you, but filling out the form helps move along the process as we need as much information as possible to give you the best help we can.

If you ever have an issue with a team or team member, please contact us and let us know what happened so we can investigate the situation and help get it resolved. We pride ourselves on everyone being very professional and empathetic to your specific case.

Looking For Help? Fill Out An Investigation Request.